Thursday, July 25, 2013


Let's start from the VERY beginning...

Many years ago I laid my eyes on this very cute older boy.  At the time he seemed much older, when in reality he was really only 2 years and 3 months older:)  Years passed before I came across him again when one of my best friends texted me and asked "so how do you feel about Kyle R?"  My first thought? Hmm, I don't think I'd date him. That just seems too crazy plus my sister graduated with him and well that just seems weird to me.  While texting back and forth with my matchmaker friend, Kyle added me on Facebook and asked if I'd like to hang out sometime.  With a little convincing from Shannon (the matchmaker) I said well we can all hang out together and see what happens. So that's what we did, we got together on a Sunday, I made chili, and we all watched football. As we were walking to our cars after leaving, Kyle asked if I would want to hang out later that week.  

So on Thursday, October 22nd ( I remember this because it's my dad's birthday but him and my mom were out of town so we weren't celebrating that night) he picked me up and we went to Trattoria Da Vinci  for dinner, this restaurant is still one of our favorites.  After dinner, we went down by the river and took a little walk, he even brought me some of his gloves and a hat in case I got cold, we saw about 15 bunnies (is that good luck or something? I think yes) and then after?  We met his friends at the bar and had a good old time, something tells me this is what sold him on me;).  Following our first date, we started to spend a lot of time together and had an immediate connection.  Needless to say, I didn't think it would take 3.5 + years to get a ring on my finger;)  We've experienced ups and downs over the years but more fun and good times that completely outweigh the downs. I can 100% say it was worth it to bring us to the spot that we are now. 

Now for the proposal story...

Kyle mentioned weeks ago that our good friend, Clint was going to have a "moving out" party.  He lives in an awesome apartment building with a beautiful rooftop complete with a pool, granite counter tops, grills, and a large entertainment area. I thought nothing of it other than being excited for a fun night with friends. So, we packed our cooler of drinks and food and started walking (yeah, he lives 2 blocks away so we walk our butts over there, booze and food in hand)

We get there and start chatting with our friends that are already there, all while listening to one of our favorite local live musicians play some tunes for all of us when all of a sudden I see Kyle heading my way with a red balloon in his hand.  Ummm..what are you doing, crazy pants?  All of my girl friends that I was talking to literally cleared away and gasped with excitement. Ok ladies, what is happening?!  Fill a sister in.  During all of this, I notice our live musician is now singing Marry You by Bruno Mars.  Then it happens, Kyle gets down on one knee and asks if I will marry him! 

Before I could say yes, the red balloon that looks like it has my ring tied to it blows away.  Luckily, I know Kyle too well and know that he loves to play tricks on me and would never let my ring blow away. I stand there saying "that's not the ring, that's not the ring" while a few of my girlfriends start going after it to catch it. Ha!  That's when he pulls out the real ring and I'm finally able to say YES!  I then turned around to see my entire family as well as Kyle's family.  They had been hiding in the kitchen waiting for the big moment!

I was totally overwhelmed, baffled, and so thrilled.  It took a few minutes to take it all in, that it wasn't Clint's moving out party, and that it was in fact a surprise engagement party planned by my FIANCE.
It was a night I will never, ever forget and our friend Jess captured the BEST moments in the pictures below.  Thank God for photographer friends.

Here comes Kyle and the red balloon in the left picture...
I wonder how nervous he was here?:)
In my next post I'm going to share the non professional photos and more details from the night, stay tuned! 

Look out world, crazy wedding planning lady on the loose!


  1. This is such a cute story! Congratulations to you both! :)

    1. Thanks Cassie! Hope all is well, your munchkins are adorable!

  2. Love this story! Let me know when I need to get my bridesmaid dress. I am the 4th Schumann sister you know, and we don't want Mel to be the oldest lady in a bridesmaid dress! ;-)

    1. Oh I will! I'm thinking puffy sleeves, big bows, and maybe a pretty rust color?
